Thursday, June 14, 2007

Office Templates

I rebuild my computer every once in awhile and there are some things you never remember to backup. One of those for me is any templates I have downloaded for Office. I had to go searching for the original template and I was able to find it by rating the my customized version. It sent me off to Office Online and gave me the name of the template I was about to rate. Here is the template I am referring to:

Five Day Event Schedule

I customized this one to make the Vlan and IP allocation spreadsheet at the last job and the current one. If you are interested in that spreadsheet, let me know.

I am about to customize it for keeping track of what I do each day. I used to be annoyed by having to keep track of my time, but now I realize the value when you have many people wanting your time. Of course, I am still annoyed by it.


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